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Illini Sports with Cory Whitt from the Orage and Blue Threw & Thru

Talking Sports on the Bleachers
24 Plays4 months ago

I sit down with my good friend Cory Witt to discuss Illini football, Men's and Women's basketball. We even get a few minutes in on the St Louis Cardinals.


Introduction to 'Talking Sports on the Bleachers'

The rumors are true.
This is Talking Sports on the Bleachers with John Glenn. A confident young man, a superb athlete. A look at the sports issues of the day. Holy cow! Grab a seat, pop a cold one. Gee, that sounds kind of interesting. And let's talk some sports. You got to get it done!
Ghouls with the widespread stance, arms out over the plate. Bickford from the stretch. The 1-1 pitch. A swing, Dodger Stadium on September 23, 2022. 8.23 PM Pacific time.
Badgers have no timeouts. They can't stop it.
Are you crying? There's no crying! There's no crying in baseball!
um talk about playoffs you kidding me playoffs
Hey, Dad?

Meet Corey Witt and His Podcast

Well, welcome, folks, to another episode of Talking Sports on the Bleachers. I got a special guest with me tonight. I've known this man for a long time. He is the host of the Orange and Blue Through and Through. Good friend of mine, Mr. Corey Witt. How you doing tonight, Corey? I'm doing good, Don. I appreciate you having me on.
Well, you know i've like I said, I've listened to a few of your casts that you've done with yeah wasna Dave Wisnowski and the things you've been talking about. And this is the time of year I think you and I are not really used to. Being Illini fans is being able to talk football in November and have it be relevant to what's going on.
I mean, that's kind of a different thing for us. We don't know normally, you know, we talk football, but it's like, okay, when is football over? So we can concentrate on basketball. exactly you know That's kind of the way it goes. um yeah I've known Cory for a long time. weve we've We grew up together and.
more years than we would like to know. So, but he's, he does a very good job on his podcast and I thought I i wanted to have my own. We'll talk a little bit of the Illini Sports today. One might even get some Cardinals in. He is a Cardinal thing. I might get some Cardinal talking, but we'll see about that. So I want to remind everybody that this podcast is a proud part of the Fuel Sports Network, where you can find podcasts and articles from a number of people on anything in and around St. Louis and the region.
Check it out at Alright Corey, well we are now what, eight games into the season for Illinois Foot.

Illinois Football's Surprising Season

To say this year has been a complete surprise I don't want to say so because I kind of thought we would be in at least a decent position. I didn't think maybe six and two. I thought maybe five and three. If we got lucky we could be six and two.
What's been your take so far? I mean, has it has has it just been the schedules fitting us at the right time? Or is there actually a progression with this football team?
Well, I definitely think there's progression. Uh, I think that, I think if Brett Bealum has done a great job with this this group this year. Uh, but I think the real, the real difference between this year and last year to this point is, uh, is Luke Altmeyer. He's just been, I know he's he sc struggled the last couple of weeks a little bit, but his leadership is, uh, the things that he brings to the table for this team, he doesn't get rattled very easily. Uh, and he just, he's a heck of a leader, it' it's a lot better than he was last year. I think he's just a lot more comfortable in his own skin. I think he's more comfortable with, uh, the offense and, uh, if you're not going to win at the major college level, if you don't have a pretty solid quarterback and I think overall the guy's done a great job. Oh, well, yeah, I agree with that. I mean, if you look at last year.
was a fourteen touchdowns and ten interceptions he's thrown two interceptions this year and he's got what's uh... touchdowns now i think yeah i believe it's fifteen to two or three for threebo yeah yeah something like that so i mean that right there tells you he is whether it's his comfortability or whether it's just uh... being uh... another year into the Lonnie system uh... you know because he's basically he's had the change who he's throwing to and in service hey he doesn't have uh you know ah the receivers other than pat bryant la from from last year he's kind of working with a completely new set of receivers a new tight end you know so to see what he's done i agree i think he's done a very very fine job i also agree with you say about belima he's he i went when they first fired levee smith i wrote an article for for ah gateway city sports and
You know, my choice to replace Smith was Brett Beeler. You know, I just, I don't know. There was just something about him. I thought, okay, big 10, Wisconsin. He's knows he's been there. NFL, Beeler check. I just thought it was a perfect fit myself. And I agree with you. I said the same thing on my podcast several times. The guy is a proven winner in the big 10 at Wisconsin, not at Ohio study. Right. michigan This guy won three straight big 10 at Wisconsin. And so he knows how to win. He knows how to recruit to the players to to compete in the big 10. And i we're starting to see that kind of fruition. We're not there yet, especially on both sides of the line of scrimmage. But he's getting there. He's getting the depth. ah But it's going to take a couple more years. But I think he's going to build something pretty nice here. I really do.
Yeah, i you know, the change in coordinators he's had to do over the last couple of years. going from Peterson to Lonnie and then from Walters to Henry on the defensive side of the ball. I i have been a little bit more impressed with Lonnie this year, but I think maybe that's a lot to do with Altmeyer more than actually Lonnie. I mean, he does seem to want to do some things, but I'm still not sure he's really to he's ready to push an envelope you know and just kind of open it. I wish they would just open that ah offense up and let the boys play.
Here's my, and I've mentioned this too, the thing that my biggest concern with him and my biggest complaint with Lonnie was I think he's been a little conservative. I think he's held, I thought he held DeVito back a little bit a couple of years ago.
Uh, we just seem to never pass the ball over but five yards, you know, yeah but but he's he's starting to, he did it really well. I thought he called the best game of his career at Illinois against Nebraska. He had them guessing and on, on their back foot all night. So, uh, but he kind of, he's done backwards a little bit. These last couple of games, I think maybe due to the opponent and, uh, not wanting to to take but as many chances, but, uh,
he overall this year I think he's called a lot better game but I will say going into this year my complaint was that I just thought he was very very conservative yeah that's kind of what I'm getting to and you know watching that I was there at the Michigan game and and was watching them as I was looking at and trying to figure out the play calling because you know most analysts I had it I think a a lot of other people were figuring that you know, he they would open up the the passing game a little bit more due to the fact that Michigan had such a porous pass defense.
and then to see you know only throw for what uh... was a barely it was barely over a hundred yards uh... but rush for almost a hundred and ninety it was completely opposite of what you were going to expect exactly you know so and i and because i was sitting up with a bunch of pencils just open it up open it up throw the ball you know and uh... it's like i didn't understand that but i mean you know a win is a win i guess in that respect What do you think about the job

Analyzing Illinois Football Strategies

Aaron Henry has done? I mean, again, the Michigan game was, I mean, he, I don't know if it was, again, whether the players just responded or whether he had the push the right buttons, but then you turn around. Now Oregon is.
I hate to use the pun, Oregon is a different duck. okay ah you know that That's just a different animal. But you go back and you look at Penn State. They held Penn State the 21 points. you know They've been able to put a clamp down, with the exception of the Purdue game, they've been able to put a clamp down on almost anybody they've come up against.
and Well, and of course, like I said, Oregon, is it just a matter of he doesn't have the horses he had last year? I think that's part of it. I mean, they had some injuries against Michigan too. I think Xavier Scott got hurt in the three games, but um they they played decent against Michigan, but Michigan, they're in their quarterback play, let's be honest with you, it just is atrocious. It's one of the worst things I've seen at the D1 level.
As far as passing, I couldn't believe they didn't bring in work. I was just waiting for a run package. because We kind of struggled with running quarterback. And i then everything gave him an opportunity. And that just stunned me, especially as poorly as he this kid was playing. you Right. And did you see that he has retired now from football? Yes, I heard that. I'm, you know, he's like, well, 25 and he's retiring from from football as as as a as a fifth, fifth years or seventh, eight I don't know how many years senior he is. um You know, but yeah, I saw this like retiring from football. i What the heck? i I didn't understand that one.
Well, Henry Steele, I think he's done okay. yeah I think he was a little in over his head last year. I think he's gotten a little better this year with ah with a season under his belt and some off-season tutelage from Beelama. But i we kind of done a bend, don't break type thing. And I don't know if you remember, but the Penn State game, you know, we did hold them to 21, but it was a bend, don't break. Right. it could have been a little worse oh yeah But I was worried about our offense that game. I'm worried about the offensive line and trying to run the football, especially with Fagan out now. But I mentioned the other day, I think Loughry now is doing a really good, I think he's improved immensely. He's hitting the holes pretty hard and he's he's kind of, he's patient. And I just, I like what he's doing. I just, I'm not sure how good that offensive line is yet, but ah
I do like the way the running game is going so far without Fagan. Yeah, I was kind of worried when Fagan went down. But you know, like you said, Laurie's done a good job. McCrea thinks done okay. You know, Valentine, when they when when they when they can find him his spots, that kid's something. He is. That's the guy I've been on all year. I think this kid has, as far as the feeling, I think he's the best running back on the squad.
Uh, he's got a lot to learn with the blocking, picking up blitzes and protecting, uh, Altmeyer's blind side, but, uh, stuff like that. But ah I'm just talking about strictly running the football, putting a foot in the ground, changing direction, being patient, strength.
Like, how about that touchdown he ran against Oregon? He carried about 10 guys into the end zone. Yeah, it was kind of kind of unexpected because he's he's been more like the shifty back. You know, you expect Fagan to carry you guys. You expect maybe McCray to carry you guys into the end zone. Yeah, I wouldn't have expected it out of out of Valentine. No, I didn't expect that at all. That's done when I saw that. but I really, really like this kid's potential and what his ceiling can be before his career is done here. I think he could be really, really good for Illinois.
I think there's there's a couple other kids I want to touch on too that I think offensively are going to down the road. I think they've shown what they can do now, but I think down the road, if you look at ah Colin Dixon and Malik Elsie, I mean Dixon doesn't have a lot of catches, no and neither does Elsie, but he has made some very big catches in very clutch situations.
So I think that kid's got a, got a, got a pretty good future. If we can keep them, keep them in in the fold. Oh, I do too. I think they both have a great future. I mean, Elsie was committed to Cincinnati. Uh, and they were, when he committed, they were, uh, they're a load. I mean, uh, these are very highly thought of guy out of Chicago. And, uh, I, and I agree with you on Colin Dixon. He, Colin Dixon's one of those guys that he just runs great routes. He has great hands.
He's very, you you know, he's dependable. He's kind of like, I think the same thing about a baby. yeah I think they both have tremendous hands and they both run great routes. They're neither one, the fastest guy in the world. no but ah And they're not as athletic as LZ.
But I think they do it. They're solid. And I like the future of receiver there. Yeah. What do you think? I mean, a lot was made about the tight end position. And we thought we had it solved. But has Tanner Arkin become the answer to the problem? Well, I don't know if he's the answer. He came in as a block in the tight end.
but with the loss of the, and I'm sorry, the guy's name's escaping me. Uh, Rusk. Cole Rusk. Cole Rusk. Yeah. Yeah. Cole Rusk. He came in as kind of the complete package and maybe a little bit more of a receiving tight end. And I guess he looked really, really good before he got hurt, but I think Tanner Arkin has picked up the pieces pretty well. And I, and he's made some, some nice, it made a beautiful catch in the end zone against Michigan. And the way he's a big, big body that you can also throw in as an extra blocker.
So yeah, I think he's done a really good job. I really did it on. What do you think on the defensive side? who i mean i'm Xavier Scott's just been, he's been super fantastic this year to kind of, I won't say making us forget that we don't have ah witherspruon Witherspoon and Sidney Brown, but ah you know he's kind of picked up the mantle for that secondary. He has. He's done a tremendous job. Former receiver.
And he's got great hands. And that you can see that when he, the way he approaches balls and never, he looks like the receiver on the defensive side. right And he just has great instinct. And you know, the thing I liked about him too, is he's not just a cover guy. He's not afraid to come up and smack somebody. And so that's what I really liked. This guy, I think he's a, I got a chance to be a pro. I like him a lot. He's got nice length and he's got speed. He can hit, he hits.
So I really enjoy watching him. I think he's got a shot at the next level. Well, I do too. ah what ah cup One guy I was hoping for some big things from this year and he really, it hasn't developed. I mean, he's he's been there. He's been solid, but not like I thought he was going to be. And that's Seth Coleman.
I guess I agree with that yeah he's been he's been kind of that. He's been quiet a little bit. But you know what? He's also drawing ah a lot of attention that's helping T. Rye Edwards and i got of the other boys on the defensive line. So ah he comes in with the accolades and the name. But you're right. He's been a little underwhelming. but and But I think he's doing some things a little better than what we might think from watching some game film on him. He's he's drawing a lot of attention.
Okay. No, that's fair to say. That's fair to say. So what do you make? We'll kind of expand it out a

Big Ten Championship Prospects

little. So what do you make now of the big 10 picture here? We still have now three undefeated teams. Although a lot of people are pointing at that Penn State game saying, really? This is all you got. You know, Indiana ice. I don't know what they're putting in that drinking water over there is all I gotta to say on on those guys.
And of course, Oregon is Oregon and you know Ohio State just hanging around, you know they've they've got the potential, Ohio State does at least, to really screw up the the Big Ten championship picture. Because they cause they play both Indiana and Penn State. And if they can take if they can win both those games, that puts them back on a collision course in the championship game versus Oregon.
Yes. Do you want my honest opinion? Go ahead, please. I think Ohio State's going to run the table, including beating Oregon in the Big Ten championship. I do not see, I love Oregon. They're really good. I do not see Oregon beating them until Ohio State gets a second shot at them to play for the Big Ten championship. I see i see Ohio State running the table.
I know they struggled last week against Nebraska, but that was a little bit of a hangover but to me. I, I look at their roster. I think that's the best team in the big 10. And I think before it's over, that's, that's what'll happen.
somebody asked me a couple about a week or two ago if I thought any team of the three that were still undefeated at Big 10 would go undefeated to the season and I said all three of them have a chance because quite frankly we were Oregon's toughest game on their schedule I don't think there's anybody left on their schedule maybe Washington can surprise them but I don't think there's anybody on their schedule that's gonna beat them If Indiana and and Penn State both get by Ohio State, nobody's touching them either, I don't think. But like I said, that's that's the issue is that they've got they've got that one big game on their schedule. And that's going to be tough for Ohio State because I think that's back to back. I think they get Indiana and then Penn State back to back. Oh, OK.
That still doesn't change my opinion. I think Ohio State, I've watched Indiana play a lot. I've watched the Ohio State play a lot. I've seen Penn State play a lot. And I'm not knocking either one of those teams. But Ohio State to me just says they had the athletes and the depth.
Yeah, I just I would be surprised if they lost either one of those games. Yeah Well, and like you say you you put Oregon in Ohio State in a neutral site championship game like it's gonna be and Yeah, i don' I think you'll see a

National Playoff Contenders Discussion

ah completely different ballgame than what you saw ah Oregon versus Ohio State at Oregon. I guarantee the final there like 32 31 or 30 something like that. Yeah, I mean and like they smoke Ohio State and No, and and quite frankly, you know what the quarterback was doing running a draw on on yeah on fourth down with Or was the third down? Okay, but anyway Yeah, seven seconds to go and he takes a slide. Yeah, I I still can't figure out what he was thinking were Were they close to field goal range on that player? I mean because a lot of people say why didn't Ohio State just take the shot with a field goal and Well, I mean, it would have been about a 60 yarder. Yeah. I mean, before he ran now, he would have that, that run, he, I think he ran for what, 12 yards or something like that. Yeah. Yeah. 10, 12 yards. The clock ran it out. Yeah. So, uh, yeah, I have a tough spot. I guess maybe if you second guess, maybe try, I don't know they're kicking. Yeah. I don't either. Do you try a 60 yard field goal? I personally with seven seconds would have ran something to the out of bounds.
Maybe, yeah, ah throw a quick pass out of bounds, try to get five or six yards and take a shot out of it. Yeah, yeah, yeah, quick ah quick sideline pass, yeah. so Now, um when we look at the playoff picture nationally, I tell you what, I i do not know what people are, poookies yeah I said about Indiana and the drinking water, I don't know what they're putting their drinking water in the SEC. They must be getting some Tennessee moonshine somewhere because I keep hearing Alabama fans Oh, we're going to, we'll be in the SEC championship. We'll be in the top four. I'm like, ain't no way in hell. Yeah, I agree. yeah know Georgia is a load.
I still think it might be Benjamin, Ohio State when it's all said and done. Oh, it could very well be. i I won't discount Georgia, though. I won't discount Georgia because no they they find a way to make to make something happen. I mean, that's just the way Georgia is. I think another team that's that's possibly may have something to say and you know people who will disagree. with I think you got to watch out for Tennessee.
Oh yeah, I agree with you very much, though. They are deep. They are loaded. it's it they' They're positional talent. They're receivers. Their quarter quarterback's a nice player, running back. They're they're they're loaded. And I wouldn't shot me to see them go very deep. Yeah.
Yeah. Uh, so what, what do you think of the whole, the the way they've got the football playoff run? I was talking to a guy that day. He said, he went, he said, I'd like to see him open up to 32 teams. Oh, good Lord. your It's a little more than I want. Yeah. Do you think 12 is a good number? I like the numbers. I just think with four teams, like it has been, there's so many.
teams that have a legitimate right I honestly believe most seasons if you got after that top 12 you're you pretty much that's the top that's the 12 you're not gonna find somebody that's it's gonna come well I shouldn't say that you'll probably find somebody that'll complain yeah I don't know that they have the right to Exactly, exactly. I mean, this year, there might be some that may have somewhat of a gripe because you've still got a couple of teams out there that are of the lesser knowns in that group of five that are playing some really good football and, you know, pretty much let's face the fact the group of five is going to get one team in and that's pretty much going to be it. You're not going to see two teams from that group of five come in. um I mean, right now, the way they're talking, you're going to be lucky if you see both the big 12 and the ACC get two teams in.
right yeah we see state going to be that it looks like that group of five team, don't they? I think so, I think so. um I think that's, that looks like they're, they're the one in the lead for it. I haven't checked the, let me take a quick look at the rankings and see what, see where everybody else is set. Okay, let's see outside of the top 12, you've got Indiana, Alabama, Boise State is the highest ranked, but right behind them and is Pittsburgh. So Pittsburgh could, yeah they can upset an apple cart. I mean, cause they are,
But they're a big ECC team, right? Yes, they are. That's right. Nevermind. Yeah, they are ECC. I thought they were still over in the conference USA. My mistake. No problem. I make them often, you know, it just happens. So do I. if I always tell my guy, Dave Kwasnaski, that's on the podcast with me every week. I'm glad we're recording this and they didn't lie.
yeah Yeah, me too. That's I you know, I but when I do with my NCAA report with Russ Robinson we We both at the end we go to okay. He's what do you guys I'm editing. Don't worry about it. I'll edit. it I'll edit
thank goodness i got a good one of those great producer Yeah, so I well I tell you what ah we're gonna come back Here in a few minute in a minute or so over right after I pause for this message And we're gonna come back and talk to some more with Corey with from the orange and blue through and through podcast We're gonna probably talk switch over to a little college basketball, a line eye style and see where we go from there. So we'll be back in just a couple of minutes. Have you heard about liquid IV? Well, it's the new way to hydrate and it's the number one powdered sports drink in America. It delivers two times faster hydration in water alone and three times the electrolytes of traditional sports drinks.
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All right, we are back and I'm speaking with Corey Witt, the host of Orange and Blue Through and Through. We've been talking a little bit of Illini football and NCAA football. Now we're going to kind of switch over and talk a little bit on the hardwood i mean as much as we are enjoying this football season.

Illinois Basketball Season Outlook

Brad Underwood's group of of misfits, as I call them, is ready to ready to start taking flight around here. They've already had an exhibition game against Ole Miss, which you know didn't end well, but then again, exhibition game is to not necessarily come up with a W, but find out what you got. you know I don't know. What did you what was your take? that's us well Let's start with with what Brad's had to do. He has 10 new guys on that team.
All five starters, with the exception, I guess you could say Rogers wasn't ah was ah as a part-time starter, but pretty much all five starters are the top six guys. Five or six of those guys, they're gone.
I mean, you don't have Dan Danger, you don't have Shannon, you don't have Damask, Quincy Guerrier. And then to see some of the other guys that left, um you know, Luke Goody and and a couple other guys. What did you make of all that exodus, if you will? Well, and I i say, unfortunately, in today's world of college sports, that's just kind of, I think, how it's going to be now.
yeah It's going to be a rarity that teams are going to stay together to in three years. I think Brad with his JC background is kind of more equipped for this than a lot of guys. He's kind of used to changing over the roster every year. yeah so And he's done an absolutely wonderful job of bringing in players and meshing them together. and I'm thrilled with the job he's done.
you know last A couple of years ago, when he brought in when he brought in Shannon and Damask and those guys, you know he made the comment that he had to get old in a hurry. and That's why he brought in all these 50-year seniors and guys like that at that time. you know and This year, the people he's brought in, you know we're taught we've got sophomores that he's brought in on the transfer, even a freshman or two on the front on the transfer portal.
but Kind of a change for what he was trying to do and I use the term misfits earlier because if you actually look at these guys individually Maybe outside of the kind of Boswell, you know, there really wasn't a name in this group that he's assembled but if know i if you look at their skills, all perceive yeah, but if if you look at their skills and what they were brought to the teams they were on and look at, you know, he's got a good group of, of as he calls them, everyday guys. He does, he does. And and you know, and the thing he's he's been able to do too, is he gets a group of guys to buy into a system and they accept their roles. I mean, you got to know your role, but
But if you don't accept your role, then it doesn't matter. It's not going to work. And he has gotten it. You've been able to do that and you've been able to mesh guys together. Now the difference between the next year's team and this year's team, and I mentioned this before earlier in one of my five days. Last year, like you said, we had a group of grown men and this year as a young team with 10 new guys, like you mentioned earlier.
And it's going to take some time. And the preseason schedule, well, I should say non-conference schedule, is brutal. oh But I like that. I think they're going to be battle tested by the time March rolls around. And when you combine their schedule, their preseason schedule, along with their Big Ten schedule, which the Big Ten's always brutal. So I think when you combine all that, I think by the time March rolls around, this team hopefully will be meshing.
ah And we might see their true colors come out. i I don't think what we saw on Sunday is what we'll see in March. Right.
And you mentioned guys accepting their roles and I have to I have to I saw something about Dre Gibbs law horn, you know you and you look at with with the roster like we were talking about that that they've brought in and I'm gonna be I'm calling up here right now, you know, you've got kind of in Boswell, you've got a jackassson jack jack jack who's onus as I say that his name is Yeah. Yeah. Jack. o jo Okay. you You have him, you know, you got a couple of guys that are already in that.
point guardish mode, you know, and it's it's kind of like, where is Lawhorn going to play? And, well you know, I think he's, he's expanding. Like you said, he's accepted his role. He's bought into his role. He's expanding his role because he was hitting some shots, uh, leading scorer and in the game, uh, the other day, you know, and I think maybe he's turning himself into a specialist.
ah Yeah, he is. But you know what? I think he's turning himself into a more of a complete boy player. Uh, he, he, I noticed this big time, uh, on the defensive side of the ball. He was very active, very active. I liked what he did. Uh, he, and he's become more of a leader and he's matured. I've listened, you know, watched du watch, watch him play. I listened to him talk. Uh, he's just, the kid is really mature.
And I think he's going to be, ah I think he's going to play a big role for this team this year, not just on the court, but also. Another guy that I'm going to be very interested in to how he gets his role figured in on this team is Mares Johnson.
um you know he's not a big well at least he doesn't project to be a huge prolific scorer in in the college and he's got a couple guys on the inside they're gonna you know really push him for playing time when you're talking about uh what's that kid's yeah boy i'm glad you can pronounce that name because i
was going to be out in the only one and then you also got yeah and then you've also got the ah booth and uh uh humricious um okay thank you again appreciate that You know, but you've got guys like that are going to be taking up some ah some of those inside minutes. And one thing I heard, and I can't remember where I heard this from, I might have been either either on the drive or maybe it might've been on WDWS, but that he's really made himself the presence on the board. yeah And that that that if anything is going to keep him on the inside in that inside mix. Absolutely. And that's what Brad Underwood loves.
I don't think that he's going to be battling Kerry Booth and Humrick House as much. They're more winged. They're not kind of inside back to the basket players like Tommy is. or I think they're going to to rotate Tommy and him. And I think he's going to get a lot of minutes in spelling Tommy.
Oh, I'm sure he will. Tommy 7'1", 7'2", 250 pounds, and been playing against grown men for the last three or four years. He definitely has a leg up. But ah I love Morez Johnson, and I love the tenacity he brings. I love the toughness. I love the rebounding. And like you said, he's not a prolific scorer, but he's an adequate scorer. Right. So I believe he'll be meet he'll be a nice little backup this year.
I kind of the one reason why I put Booth and Hummerkhaus in that group is because there's those are two guys that can come in, they can play big, but they can also extend it out.

In-depth Illinois Basketball Analysis

sure You know, they're, they're that stretch for, as they call it, you know, and I think in a lot of respects, in a lot of ways, you know, there may be times when we have to go that route, maybe to, to buy Tommy some, some room inside, or just for the simple fact of, uh, maybe this, the inside games not working that particular time. So that's why I say it's going to be an interesting little mix of how he, how, uh, Brad Underwood decides to play the game.
It is. And nino and he's even said, as of Sunday, we we're sitting there at halftime with the Ole Miss game. And he said, I have no idea what's going on. That's what these games are for. hes so But but you know he'll figure it out. oh yeah the heckctor That's one thing he's done a great job at is figuring out ah the chemistry and the right get putting the right guys on the floor, kind of pushing the right buttons. I do trust him very much on that.
Oh, yeah, I think he's he's really in the, you know, he has, I think, grown as much as the team has grown. You know, like you said, i you know, coming from the junior college route, he knows that how to turn over rosters. But I think he's also learned, you know, that It's going to depend every year on what you've got. Cause you know, right and, and the ability to bring in the coaches that he's had around him. I mean, you go back and think what three years ago, he lost every assistant coach he had. yeah You know, a good flight he had replaced every assistant and didn't miss a lick.
nope Didn't miss election. I think they may have. And you know, and you look at this year and he, you know, he had the bringing, and I still, I still would like to been a fly on the wall and how he was able to, you know, make that phone call to Orlando and say, Hey, really, uh, you know, you want to come back. I mean, you got nothing going over there. Okay, dude. Come on, come on back. and Your guys leave you guy's leaving you and he's not taking him, taking you with him.
900,000 here for you. Right. Exactly. Exactly. So that might have had a lot to do with it though. Yeah. Oh, I get it. for Yeah. Yeah. There was, there were some folding bills being, being laid out on that one for sure. Absolutely. like But, but yeah, but good point. And I've said this before, and I agree with you a hundred percent. Another thing Brad has been strong at is surrounding himself with good coaches, really good recruiting coaches, not just on the court, but, uh,
But he has done a tremendous job of of of replacing when he needed to and and just finding guys that are a fit. And and just done that he's done a great job of surrounding himself with a really good coaches.
Yeah, no doubt about that. Quick note, I've been trying to and working on it. It's slow because the the university doesn't like to talk to people like me. I don't have a name. I don't got a following. But I ran into Kylan Boswell's dad.
and was talking with him. He's trying to get, he's trying to work, do another work right now, get Kyle on my show. I'm nice still efforting that folks. I've been still working on it. Hopefully I'll get that done. Okay. I saw something the other day. Jugger they had the big 10 basketball teams listed.
And it said the juggernaut was Purdue and that Illinois and Penn State were kind of like all soul rans to the juggernaut. How good is Purdue going to be? They don't got, they don't have a seven foot four monster in the middle anymore. They don't have the two times ranked player of the year. Right. And that that's what made that team go like for the last couple of years, especially last year. They, everything went through him and he just made everybody. but I just think they're going to stick, not that they bring Smith good lawyers. Good. They have a nice team we ran, but, but they're going to be different players without a guy that that dominant in the middle of it, they run literally everything through. Yeah.
ah and and And I just think they're going to take a step back in my opinion. I still think they'll be a solid basketball team. But I think calling them the juggernaut of the Big 10 is a stretch. I do too. I mean, you know, they're not, like you said, they're not going to have that inside dominance. um And quite frankly, I've been looking around at the different Big 10s.
I, and including Illinois, I can't come up with a clear, what I would think would be a clear, um, top of the heap guide team to point at. I mean, there's a group that you can point at, you know, the Purdue, Illinois, how they're going to play. You got, um, Indiana, yeah you know, uh, but you know, I really don't know where the, the, um, I don't want to say dominant team, but where the top teams, what the top teams are going to be.
Right. And I don't think there is a dominant team, Don. I think there's some really good teams. And I think just like every year that the big 10, they're going to beat up on each other, while you go on the road, just get to a heck beat out of it physically, mentally, the whole nine yards. But there's a lot of people that think that ah the big 10 team struggling in the NCAA tournament is because of that. But.
Uh, Illinois had made a pretty good run last year until they ran in. They ran into a juggernaut. Oh, didn't they ever, there wasn't anybody beating you. I did that before the, uh, the tournament started. And when I saw the pairings and I saw that we would have to go through them to get to the final four, I said to myself, well, it's been a, it's a great year. We're a great team, but, uh, the wind and the elite eight, if, if, if we play really well, right.
wasn't beating Yukon, Purdue wasn't beating Yukon. I mean, and I don't know if you remember, but that championship game, I watched Yukon play quite a bit last year. They didn't even play that well in that championship game for them. They won by 17. Yeah.
Yeah. I mean, where i low no doubt about that. Now you were talking about the Illinois, the, the, the schedule they got. Um, and yeah, I'm, I'm, you know, after the first three games, it's, it's gonna, it's gonna be all over, but the shouting as far as tough because you've got Alabama.
in Birmingham then you got a couple of games that hopefully won't be that bad and then you got to play Arkansas you start the Big Ten schedule and after two games in the Big Ten schedule you get Tennessee and Missouri back-to-back i mean february madison square garden Yeah, yeah, and what is that it's called the Sentinel Sentinel one classic I something like that. I just saw that today. but Yeah ticket on sale i was kind of Wow, they were expensive. You know, we got Duke in that one. I mean, if, you know, this is not, and then of course you're adding the, now you're adding the four teams from the, uh, from the pack back, uh, pack 12. Um, you know, but, uh, yeah, it's going to be an interesting schedule. and i Going on the road and playing these guys, like when we I think we play Oregon and Washington out there this year. And he's like it's like a Thursday and a Saturday night or a Thursday and a Sunday.
It's a Thursday third Thursday January 2nd Oregon at Eugene and in Sunday January 5th at Seattle Okay, that's tough. this Yeah, ah I Mean even if the team well Oregon's really good this year I'm not sure about Washington, but you know you go on the road that far you travel that far and you play a team like Oregon and then after turn around basically in a day and a half and and and play and play ah Washington Squad. Yeah, yeah. So I mean, I just think the travel for these scenes is what's the best brutal for it. and It's not just Illinois, it's everybody.
Oh, yeah. I mean, and and you know what what Russ and I have talked about in our show before is, you know, with with the breakup of the Pac-12 and where some of these teams went. I mean, Cal and Stanford playing in the in the ACC. Yeah. That's, I'm not sure how they're they're working that schedule out.
You know, then you've got the the, well, four of the other teams went to the big 12 and then of course the four that went to the big 10, but there's still the big 10, like you said, that's and that's a coast to coast league, or yeah, league now ah with ah Maryland and and Rutgers and over there. And then you got UCLA and the other three on the other side. I mean, you know, I would hate to be the one in charge of the travel routines for these teams. ah
about that trip from rutgers the usc Oh God who No, thank you No, thank you man. No way um I'm looking at at this and saying if if Illinois can play, like you say gel as, as, as well as they under what has gotten his teams to gel. Um, you know, we're definitely going to be in the tournament, I think, uh, what the record's going to be, who knows at that point, um, you know, with what we've got coming up. And I guess what I'm saying is to tell the the fans out there, we're going to take some lumps.
Don't be thinking this team's gonna roll over people and we should beat an Alabama on the road, or we should beat Tennessee at the State Farm Center. It may not happen, people. This is the way it goes. I've said that there are days. They're gonna take their lumps early. I really think so. I hope I'm wrong, but I believe they're gonna take some lumps early. But like I said, I truly believe they're gonna be a lot different team because of it come March.
Oh yeah. Yeah. They're going to be completely battle tested and ready to do that. That tournament is not going to phase them. I don't think, uh, they, yeah said they're not they may not go very deep, but they, the tournament itself, it's not going to phase them for sure. right right Here's the thing. And we talked about the other day, I don't think they'll go real deep even in this tournament. I mean, they might surprise somebody and get a little farther than I thought, but, but in today's world, I know this isn't as realistic as it used to be.
But Ben Humrickhouse is the only guy out of eligibility after this year. If somehow this team stays together, I mean, even the majority of them, they're a legitimate deep run tournament team next year. I guess they might be a year away as far as a deep run, but ah they're going to be exciting though. They're going to be exciting to watch.
Oh yeah, no doubt. I want to switch it a little bit. ah We're going to stay with basketball.

Spotlight on Illinois Women's Basketball

Shawna Green in the women for Illinois. Did you see we lost the the transfer center from Baylor?
Yeah, i I did see that the other, well I heard it, yeah. that's That may hurt me. injur But you still got a solid team of, you know you still got Genesis Bryant, Corey Allen, Makaira Cook, um you know, those three right there are, you know, and, you know, Brinshew Pills still around, Adalia McKenzie. She's got basically everybody coming back from last year.
Yeah, absolutely. You know, I think Illinois has a chance to make some noise this year and they had the right coach. Oh, Shawna Green has been nothing short of fantastic since she's gotten here. She's won everywhere she's been. She's just a winner and she's bringing in great, great people, great recruits, great coaching staff around her. But Illinois wins basketball has not been in this good of shape since Teresa Grant.
Oh, I 100% agree with that. I mean, that's, that's a no, no, no doubter. yeah um You know, and like I said, like you said, that center, uh, the, the Leti Vasconcellos. Yeah, you lose her, but you know, you still got, like I said, you still got Kendall Bostic there on the inside. You've got, uh, You know, Hill and this freshman that come in is Barry Wallace. there This Barry Wallace, this guard freshman that come in. I think she's going to be a very big part of this team. so All-American, wasn't she? I think so. i think she you know and She played the McDonald's there. You still have Shea Boland. Yeah, you still have Shea Boland.
And like I said, you still got, uh, cook Allen and Bryant. I mean, you know, this, this team, I guess that they, that win last year with that, uh, the, I guess it's now going to be the new version of the women's NIT, uh, you know, taking that championship last year. I mean, they've put a target on their back. There is a big old red target on Illinois back right now, especially in the big 10. Sure. You know, because. Yeah. And I, cause I was going to be down because I was going to be down. I can't see them really after Caitlin, you know, try you, you can't replace Caitlin Clark. I'm sorry.
yeah no arguably the best women's player that's ever played college basketball No doubt about that at all um So, you know, I like it I like this I like the idea the women's team going well I think they'll they might make a little bit of a run in the in the tournament, you know, you know like cause I think they'll get there their schedule doesn't look all That's super tough. I mean they've got some tough games. Don't get me wrong there.
They're not open with Florida State, and I think they're about 25. Yeah, yeah there's a right yeah, they got a Florida State, but not really much in the pre-Big 10 Kentucky. They got Kentucky in their Oregon State. So there's nothing huge. But again, once you get into Big 10 schedule, that's when the the yeah rubber meets the road, as they say. so Yes, absolutely. No doubt about that. And I think Illinois has a shot. I mean, they're going to finish I believe they'll finish in the top half. What's a top half? I think top five. Oh yeah. I think easily. I'm telling you, Shawna Green is the right person for that job. she She's building something special there.
Yeah. How, how, um, again, we were were probably talking, as you said earlier, there was definitely some folding cash handed out somewhere, but getting her from the Mac into the big 10, that's not a bad coup for, for our, uh, a steam Josh Whitman. I mean, he's made some very, very smart, um, hires when it comes to coaches and that can't be understated.
No, it's not understated. hes yeah I give him a lot of the credit of where we're at in our major sports today. he Like you said, just tremendous hires and and the right guy at the right time.
the right woman at the right time right he's he's trying to he he's done a tremendous job and i think as as as illinois i know i do a podcast you do but i'm a homer i love i'm an iino guy oh yeah i feel like even as i'm a big fan and so i I feel like I owe him a lot of gratitude. Oh, yeah. I think we all do as far as Illinois fans. I think they I was a little suspect when he first got here and, you know, hired Lubby Smith and then kept John Gross for a couple of years. I'm like, OK, wait a minute. um But I think he was just getting his feet wet. I think he was just trying to get the lay of the land.
And, you know, now that he's got it, I think there's just nothing's going to stop him from making making the sports programs in Illinois elite. No, no, he's a brilliant mind man. That guy is he's a he's a lawyer. Yes, I didn't know that. um Well, he's got a law degree. Oh, OK. OK. I'm not saying he's I'm not sure that he's ever practiced law in the court of law. but ah Yeah, but he's a very very chart man. He loves the University of Illinois. It's just every time he speaks. um You can just see the passion coming out and how he feels about it. Oh yeah, that's what I love too is you're having a guy like that running your athletic program that just he he bleeds orange and blue. Oh, he definitely does. No doubt about that. ah One old quick thing I said we might get us some Cardinal talking.

St. Louis Cardinals Offseason Moves

I'll just give you because I'm like you ever since.
probably September, I've kind of just, Cardinals are on back burner for me. ah But, ah and and we knew, you know, the, the, the non tenders, I guess, if you want to call it that are not accepting the ah options were going to come out today and they did. Lynn Gibson and Middleton have not been, their options were not picked up. So they are now essentially free agents.
I knew Lynn was gonna be gone. I didn't think they'd keep him another year. I thought they might keep Gibson. So that one a little shocked me. But what do you think with the idea of of ah Bloom now being more of the motor turning the wheel? Well, I don't know, Don. I know he did a really good job at Tampa Bay and I did a pretty good job at Boston. He just hired a a guy, rob is it Rob Serfoglio?
assistant to the general managers Yeah. Uh, and then then he was, he did a good job as Cleveland. Uh, he was, uh, he was, uh, I think yeah operations, baseball operations. I think so. Yeah. Yeah. then For the guardians. Yeah. And you know what? They've been pretty darn good. Oh yeah. And he's 32 years old. Bloom's only 41. Right.
So i think I think these guys, for what the plan is, the Cardinals have made it pretty clear what the plan is. They're pretty much starting over with ah with ah most of the guys kind of getting rid of the yeah veteran big salaries. And I think these guys have done a good job, especially Tampa Bay. I mean, that's where he he really he helped rebuild that and they have been extremely successful. Yeah.
That's true. I think one thing though, I've said it ah back earlier in the season, you know, we've tried a lot of this bringing guys in, bringing this, let the kids play.
You know, put Walker out there in a in a spot where he can actually excel. Put Gorman in and a spot where he can actually excel. you know um when they when they When they picked up Contreras, I said that was the biggest mistake they ever made. Because I think what they what they in effect did is I think they actually hampered Herrera.
ah by bringing in Contreras, because he, you know, the way he's played and the way Pajes has played, you know, I can see them trading Contreras and getting some more, yeah some more pieces. It sounds like they're going to do that. I think they will. it Sounds like that. As long as Aeronado and Sonny Gray agreed to every, I mean, they have the yeah the, the final say on that, but it sounds like they both want to go and play for a winner.
Well, I've got an immediate team that has an immediate chance. Right, right. yeah I certainly don't mean to say the Cardinals aren't winners. They're all 11 time world champions. They've been a pretty good organization. Oh, yeah. No doubt. No doubt. I like I like the young nucleus of the at the big league that the Cardinals have. Right. I do. I like Alec Burleson. I like Donovan. I love when new bars. Pretty solid. Gordon Walker. I mean, I think they have a young nucleus to build around.
and and and with the florantine it was even sagac Yes Yeah yeah fair enough fall Oh well, and see that that's the one thing I think when you, we pick yeah not just the guys we've had in our system for a while, but the guys we picked up, you know, in that mid-season, all that mid-season hullabaloo we picked up last year, you know, with Segasi, with Takoa Roby and guys like that. I think you're going to start seeing some of these kids, as as you just said, you know, come up and making, they've got a chance, making name for themselves.
And Siani, I mean, who would have thought, oh yeah I mean, him, Victor Scott, I think there's another one I think he wanted to take a look at, you know, so it's gonna be interesting. And we've still got some other kids there that they're talking about as well, so. Oh yeah, I mean, how about the, it'll be interesting, our number seven overall pick, is it J.J. Weatheralt? Yeah. He's a load. Yeah, they say he's the real deal. Yeah, he was the shortstop of West Virginia and he was projected as the number one pick in the draft until he had a series of hamstrings. And that kind of dropped him a little bit. I was wondering what dropped him down now. They still think at seven that they got a steal. Oh, I think they did too. Just by judging, just by the early stats and the small sample size we've got, I think they did get a steal. Yes. No doubt. As young as Gwen is, I mean, I don't know the weather at all to be and on the big leagues quad for a year or two, but Gwen used to be coming in the face of that that team Oh, definitely yeah and he's a heck of a shortstop. They're talking about when he does come up and and eventually get to the major league that they're going to love that ah middle combination with when and whether weather all up the middle.
Oh, I think that'll be a, that'll be a fun combination to watch. I mean, uh, like you said, if if the projections and or if, uh, whether I'll plays up to projections and even if he doesn't, you know, I think winning Segecie would be a nice little keystone combo to play with. Yes. You know, Segecie's very versatile too. I think he's played third base a lot for, uh, Aaron Otto towards the end of year. and he did a really good job Oh yeah, no doubt, no doubt. so Well, I'll tell you what, I've kind of kept you long enough. I really appreciate this. Tell us where we can find your show, buddy. Well, you can find it on three different platforms. I have it on Spotify, Apple Music, and Soundcloud. And then, of course, I post it on my social medias on X and Facebook, too. All right. And so, yeah, that's where you can find it every week. We usually try to record them on Mondays. and
Yeah, I'm going to do that throughout the basketball season as well. All right. Well, I'd say you do one more thing, though, Don. What's that? I want to touch on this. We didn't when we were talking about basketball, Illinois got some great news today. Oh, yeah, Tommy. Yes, he has ah been deemed eligible by the NCAA. There was a role for Monday night. I knew there was a big question mark on that, whether he was going to be deemed eligible. Classes transferred over or something. I'm not sure I didn know he from playing play professionally maybe that's what it was yeah okay well and if you see two now they deemed him eligible but he they they're making him play as a sophomore they get they took away a year of eligibility
ah Probably won't be here four years anyway. He probably wasn't going to be here four years anyhow. With his size, if he's got any kind of skill, the NBA is going to want him in a couple of years anyway, so. Yes, right. No doubt about that. So, all right, well, my friend, you told us what you can find. And of course, as everybody knows, they can find me right here on Spotify. And you can also look it up at the Fuel Sports Network, where you can find also other podcasts like the Two for Three with Moose Michaels.
the team of rivals with Ron, Pete and Elliot. And I'm gonna tell you what, that can be a fun show when those guys get to going. Yeah, you can find ah the A-Train, Arlington Lane, and it's football and wrestling talk. You can find this show. You can also find my other show, the NCAA report presented by the Fuel Sports Network with my partner Russ Robinson. And you can find the ultimate show, the Derek King Show. So check it out, FuelSportsNetwork
All right. For my guest, Corey Witt, this is Don Glenn. I'm wishing you guys a, and this is Halloween by those are happy Halloween to everybody. yeah Yes. Yep. So have fun, stay safe, and we'll see you again when we are talking sports on the bleachers.